All posts by agron.merseli
Lavalamp menu using CSS3
Example of a simple menu in lavalamp style written using only CSS attributes and properties. CSS3 HTML Lavalamp Menu CSS3 Home About Blog Portefolio Contact
CSS smart use of the Background-Position property
Introduction Generally this property is used to move a background image or a gradation of color inside its container. Code example: For more information about this property, refer to the link of W3Schools. How to insert multiple images into a web page with a single image file using the CSS Background-Position property. In my case […]
Python Scripts for Notepad++
Sometimes working on different platforms happens to move sources from one place to another, usually this simple copy-paste operation does not cause problems, but if you work with Eclipse, the sources are treated as simple text files so the file encoding becomes important to avoid surprises especially if there are many sources. Usually in Eclipse […]
Posters of fundamentals electronics
Two posters of 2726x3652px dimensions containing the fundamental references of the electronic components and the basic symbols.